test cases for zoom functionality

Simulating Slow Network Conditions for App Testing. Evaluates how the software works under different conditions. Run manual and automated tests on both the latest and older hardware/software variations without having to purchase any devices or install any frameworks. Now select the Format toolbar option 'Zoom out', the image should return . See Agilitest in action. Do testers regularly run into problems with the vague description of a test case and end the test run with an incorrect result? function Test() Complete guide to Sauce Labs reporting of test results, metrics and dashboards for your browser tests with Testmo, including full CI pipeline integration example. Define the area you want to cover from the test scenario. With 3000+ real browsers and devices at your fingertips, you can verify website or app functionality when accessed through different browser-device-OS combinations. Your cases should be self explanatory so the person who views your test cases shouldnt feel the need to contact you to make them understand what you have written. Wed love your honest feedback - review us and get a $25 gift card! Verify the HD quality of the Video Recording feature in the Camera. Here are a few example of test cases that can be derived to test the login functionality: A tester should always create a test case keeping the end user in mind. Verify the Panorama feature by Capturing the Image in Low Light conditions. Verify the Comparison between Two same Captured images of the Same Object in the Same Day Light conditions with the Same Megapixel Camera without any Effect, Zoom, or Flash and with different Technical features such as PPI, DPI, HDR, Sensor, Resolution, FPS, etc. These stakeholders may have different expectations. ');end; The easiest way to change the current zoom level of a page is to simulate the appropriate user actions. It may not be possible, or even desirable, to automate all test cases, but just getting . En'Joy" test cases for zoom functionality Ecommerce application loading, entering accurate credentials, directing to the home page, performing tasks, logging out of the system. Verify the Auto Flash functionality in Low Light conditions by Capturing the Image. Here are a few resources to help you get started with usability tests. 1. In addition, negative tests look at how the system responds when these actions occur. Run Tests on a Suitable Testing Tool 3. What happens when the user enters incorrect credentials? Testers must put the software through varying levels of traffic, load, and stress conditions to monitor how the software handles difficult circumstances.Read More: Performance Testing: A Detailed Guide. This point assumes that you already have the right tool to run comprehensive and varied tests on desktop and mobile devices, browsers, browser versions, and operating systems. {link = page["FindChild"](["contentText", "ObjectType"], ["News", "Link"], 10);if (link != null && link.Exists) {link["Click"]();}else{Log["Error"]("The specified link does not exist. Writing good test cases is more straightforward when you have a good test scenario to begin with. Non-functional testing is done to verify the non-functional requirements of the application like Performance, Usability, etc. What is the message shown if the search term is not related to the webpage/website content? Your email address will not be published. The problem with this scenario is that it doesn't define the test scope well. Check if the filter options are visible or not for 0 search results. Consequently, if the system under test changes, you don't want to spend too much extra time updating them. Your test case should not be pointing to two different things. Now, lets quickly double-click on the key points mentioned in the software functional testing checklist: The first step to ensuring extensive and actionable test results is to make the right test scenarios. Name the Test Cases & Test Suites Appropriately Set the Browser Zoom Level to 100 percent Maximize the Browser Window Choose the Best-Suited Web Locator Create a Browser Compatibility Matrix for Cross Browser Testing Implement Logging and Reporting Use Design Patterns and Principles i.e. To identify precisely how fast page loads across various browsers and devices, enter the URL on SpeedLab. {var browser = page.parent;var defaultView = page.contentDocument.defaultView;return defaultView.devicePixelRatio; You've probably heard the saying that testing is about being precise. It is a black box type of software testing and QA process that helps to validate systems and components against functional requirements. 2021 SmartBear Software. 2) Validate the Add to Cart functionality. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Full Zoom without Light conditions and Flash. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image by using the Panorama feature. Ideally, your tests should largely be automated. Test Websites & Apps on Real Devices for Free, expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less. Keeping track of the various testing efforts and methods require efficient modern test management especially if you're currently working with simple Excel sheets that are hard to maintain or if you use an older legacy system. Writing Test Cases: Examples, Best Practices & Test Case Templates. We decide to write another test case to ensure that this bug doesn't reoccur with new app versions. This ensures that you release a high-function website or app that pleases customers and users across different locations, access points, and industry requirements. All Rights Reserved. Description Let us now look at some of the test cases and examples that will help you to understand this testing type in more detail. Recheck your test cases. Or review a list of the best test management tools to choose a tool for your projects. Verify the Captured Image of any Object at Normal speed. If network conditions switch from good to bad, does the app sacrifice certain features to remain functional? Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Full Zoom in Low Light conditions without Flash. Within non-functional testing, there are multiple subsets like: There are multiple other sub-categories of tests within non-functional testing, but the following are the most important. Verify the Auto Flash functionality in the Without Light condition by Capturing the Image. Can the user register and enter their details securely? Below, we've outlined 10 steps you can take whether you're writing new test cases or revisiting and evaluating existing test cases. These properties provide the zoom value as a floating point number. You can command TestComplete to simulate these actions by using the Keys method: JavaScript, JScript Python VBScript DelphiScript C++Script, C#Script function zoomInAndOut () { // Run the default browser and open a page Browsers.Item (0).Run (); The login page has two text fields, one for username and the other for password. Click of camera button when the Camera is not ON. Verify the SD quality of the Video Recording feature in the Camera. Subscribe 121 call - office to home. Try to write nonspecific test cases that remain relevant after the system's user interface changes to save time and minimize errors in test cases caused by hasty updates. test case which covers the specific functionality, (1) A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement., (2) (IEEE Std 829-1983) Documentation specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item.. A test scenario, sometimes called a scenario test, is the documentation of a use case. It also has links that the users can use to Sign in with Google or Apple accounts. Heres an example of how to approach functional testing of a single web page. SoftwareTestingo - Interview Questions, Tutorial & Test Cases Template Examples, Last Updated on: April 9, 2023 By Softwaretestingo Editorial Board, Test Scenarios For Video Call & Zoom Meeting App: if someone tries to find out what the meaning of test cases, according to Wikipedia there here, it is A test case is a specification of the inputs, execution conditions, testing procedure, and expected results that define a single test to be executed to achieve a particular software testing objective, such as to exercise a specific path of a program or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. "Submit the contact form." It is the first level action for the test execution and is derived from test scenarios. But making sure the entire team's on the same page here can be tricky. Finally, you can use the time saved in writing and managing test cases for other test methods, such as exploratory testing. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Low Light conditions with Flash. Use Cases of Zoom 2023 Zoom Top Rated Score 8.4 out of 10 5141 Reviews and Ratings Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) $5 per month per license Do you work for Zoom? In my experience, I have observed this multiple times. 3. How to Move from Manual to Automation Testing, Now, lets quickly double-click on the key points mentioned in the, This point assumes that you already have the right tool to run comprehensive and varied tests on desktop and mobile devices, browsers, browser versions, and operating systems. function zoomInAndOut();var page, zoomIn, zoomOut;begin// Run the default browser and open a pageBrowsers.Item[0].Run();page := Sys.Browser().ToUrl('https://smartbear.com');// Specify the keys to use to simulate user actions zoomIn := '^+';zoomOut := '^-';// To zoom in:page.Keys(zoomIn);// To zoom out:page.Keys(zoomOut);end; function zoomInAndOut() These actions simulate the specified number of touches on the zoom buttons of the zoom control. Server Performance Verify the availability of the Video Recording feature in the Camera. Video resolution should good in all browsers and resolutions. This helps in understanding, tracking, and resolving quality issues. When running the functional test, the following questions, at the very least should be answered: If incorrect values are entered, is the appropriate error message displayed? Verify the availability of the Auto Focus feature in the Camera. All rights reserved. When you write down a list of test cases for your scenario, you're likely missing out on a few. Of course, this is not a complete test suite and we can think of various additional test cases for each scenario. Let's look at another example. Does user progress on the app stay consistent when a call comes in? So I have mentioned below some Test Scenarios to choose the suitable Camera to test and analyze the test results, which will help select the Best Camera to Buy. Here's what some of these manual test cases could look like: Expected: The newly created to-do list detail page is loaded and shows all the specified data. Verify the Camera is Video Graphics Array (VGA) or Standard Definition (SD) quality and refers to 480p. This guide could define best practices, writing dos and don'ts, terms and abbreviations to use, the formatting of specific sections, and so on. ");} If you find out missed test cases, you can comment in the comment section so that we can update that in our post. Keep your Zoom client up to date to access the latest features. With this version, you wouldn't have to update the test case with every slight change in the UI, but testers can still understand what to do. Functional testing verifies if functions of software operate according to the requirements. Verify the Cameras Frames Per Second (FPS) (FPS 24 is widely used for Movie Making, and FPS 30 or above is widely used for making daily Opera soap, Reality shows, etc.). Verify the Panorama feature by Capturing the Image in Low Light conditions with Full Zoom. A test case should be so specific that even a lay man should understand what it is actually trying to cover and test. What does a Test Case mean? There are numerous features and aspects to test, and it is not uncommon to miss out on one or more when, If you are new to functional testing, look at the. Test cases for delicate features that work with sensitive data like passwords or credit card information also often call for more preciseness - especially if you've served your users with bugs in these features before. And one more critical point is that the test cases should be independent and fail/pass one another. Follow-Up Read: How to Increase Website SpeedEnding Notes. A checklist ensures that every significant aspect of a process is carried out during testing. Verify the Megapixel of the Camera on the Mobile phone. What happens when users enter a search term in the search field? Verify the availability of the Red Eye correction feature in the Camera. {// Run the default browser and open a pageBrowsers.Item(0).Run();var page = Sys.Browser().ToUrl("https://smartbear.com");// Specify the keys to use to simulate user actions var zoomIn = "^+";var zoomOut = "^-";// To zoom in:page.Keys(zoomIn);// To zoom out:page.Keys(zoomOut); However, test cases that are too specific are often inflexible and difficult to maintain. Verify the Camera should be available on the Mobile phone. Sanity test It validates whether the code changes received in the software build are working as expected or not. IEEE Standard 610 (1990) defines test case as follows: It's basically what you are testing, with what input, what you expect in return and finally recording the actual outcome of the test. Read More:How to Move from Manual to Automation Testing. NodeJS : Nest JS - Issue writing Jest Test Case for a function returning Observable Axios ResponseTo Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows te. However, a test suite or checklist is a collection of Test Cases set up together on account of a particular objective. Reliability testing intends to find patterns of repeating failures, track the number of losses occurring in a specific duration, discover causes of failures, and make the app stable for as many different real-world scenarios as possible. To test no overloading of contextual menus. ElseLog.Warning("No browser is currently running.") Does the entered text stay within the borders of the search field? Analyze the requirements to create test scenarios and corresponding test cases. The user id field requires a minimum of 6 characters, maximum of 10 characters, numbers(09), letters(a-z, A-z), special characters (only underscore, period, hyphen allowed). }// Simulate user actions to zoom the page to the specified scalefunction openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom) We use cookies to enhance user experience. We also tried our hands on writing functional test cases considering the example of a login functionality of a mobile application. It cannot include special characters. Not just that, but exploration also helps you discover a feature through your users' eyes and understand their needs and wants. You can also check the pages zoom level and change it in your tests. In this article, I have tried to share my views on functional testing with the help of test cases and examples. of Full HD quality video, which is captured by the Video Recording feature of the Camera. Verify the Image Detail Comparison between Two same Captured images of the Same Object in the Same Day Light conditions with the Same Megapixel Camera without any Effect, Zoom, or Flash. at your fingertips, you can verify website or app functionality when accessed through different browser-device-OS combinations. elseLog.Warning('No browser is currently running. Suppose your colleague is working on a test scenario, "Verify user password reset," simultaneously. Non-functional testing checks the integrity of non-functional aspects of the software performance, usability, reliability, security, etc. Verify the Camera is High Definition (HD) quality and refers to 720p. Verify the Comparison between Two same Recorded Video of the Same event Captured with Two different Cameras in the Same Day Light conditions with the Same Megapixel Camera without any Effect, Zoom, Flash, and with different Technical features such as PPI, DPI, HDR, Sensor, Resolution, FPS, etc. Also receive our free original testing & QA content directly in your inbox whenever we publish new guides and articles. PS: We regularly publish original software testing & QA research, including free guides, reports and news. Remarks - In case, any additional info needs to be provided. . Check how many results are notified before filter options are available. Ultimately, this approach helps to improve the overall customer experience with your software, making you a more valuable tester for your company. Requirement Analysis For Creating Test Scenarios 2. See our Integrations . This testing process aims to test the functionality of. {var URL = "https://smartbear.com"; // The URL of the page to testvar targetZooms = [1, 2, 1.5]; // Scales to test - 100%, 200%, 150%// Iterate through all the installed browsersfor (var i = 0; i < Browsers["Count"]; i++){var browser = Browsers["Item"](i);Log["PushLogFolder"](Log["CreateFolder"]("Test for page '" + URL + "' against " + browser["Description"])); browser["Run"]();// Iterate through all the specified scalesfor (k = 0; k < targetZooms["length"]; k++){ targetZoom = targetZooms[k];Log["PushLogFolder"](Log["CreateFolder"]("Test for page '" + URL + "' with zoom "+ targetZoom * 100 + "%"));var page = openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom); // Open the page at the specified zoom levelperformTesting(page);Log["PopLogFolder"]();}Sys["Browser"]()["Close"]();Log["PopLogFolder"]();} Are buttons/entry fields on pop-ups working as expected? Video calling icon should display when another users are online with webcam. Verify the availability of the High Dynamic Range (HDR) feature in the Camera. Good test cases are versatile. What is Automated Functional Testing: Types, Benefits & Tools, Is the search field empty by default? function getZoom();var browser, page, defaultView;begin// Get the browser currently running in the system and open a pagebrowser: = Sys.WaitBrowser();if browser.Exists thenbeginpage := browser.ToUrl('https://smartbear.com');defaultView := page.contentDocument.defaultView;Log.Message('The scale is ' + aqConvert.FloatToStr(defaultView.devicePixelRatio * 100) + '%.') Functional test cases need to be developed, reviewed, used, managed and saved. It also has two buttons, i.e. Here are some of the test scenarios for video calls & test cases for video calls where we are validating, Test Scenarios to select a suitable Camera. Complete test case management, test runs & results. Create a test case. Verify the Flash ON functionality in Day Light conditions by Capturing the Image. to updates. How to start a test meeting. performTesting function: Checks whether the link is available on the page, then clicks it. And many companies simply don't have the expertise to turn their backs on writing test cases. Verify the Flash OFF functionality in Low Light conditions by Capturing the Image. IEEE Standard 610 (1990) defines test case as follows: " (1) A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement." Report your test automation. You can unsubscribe at any time with a single click. Are you about to start a functional test cycle for your project to ensure the best user experience? Prerequisites: The user has created a to-do list. Access expert-led tutorials on Zoom products and features. Your email address will not be published. For many teams the answer is a resounding Yes. He loves learning new tools and technologies and sharing his experience by writing blogs. In other words, you'll know what to look for and which aspects are more prone to errors. Verify the Play and Display video with Audio on the HD quality screen, which is captured by the Video Recording feature of the Camera. Verify the Captured Image of any Object by using the Panorama feature at a Fast revolving speed. I'm thinking of things like. While test automation is vital, writing test cases for manual testing is still important for many reasons. Leverage functional testing from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to achieve high-quality software products. All mandatory fields should be validated and indicated by an asterisk (*) symbol. Verify the availability of a Dual Led Flash in the Camera. Many effective software testing teams achieve their goals by combining manual test cases with test automation and exploratory testing. This test helps to ensure that the product performs well as it claims, Unit test It is the first phase of the software testing process. The most straightforward way to test this is to use a set of valid and invalid account information and use SSO to sign in. Solutions to host impactful virtual and hybrid experiences. Once test results show up, gather test data and compare it to the expected results listed in this checklists second step. Copyright 2023 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Enter this code on the controller. Download hi-res images and animations to elevate your next Zoom meeting. If required, split the test case in two, rather than summing up all in one. Verify the Compression Ratio (CR) of the Camera. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Full Zoom in Normal Day Light conditions with Flash. To ensure that apps work as expected various types of software testing are conducted. Conclusion: Today as technology is getting advanced, apps are getting more complex. Other benefits of test cases include: Test cases ensure good test coverage. Read their Stories, Give your users a seamless experience by testing on 3000+ real devices and browsers. {var URL = "https://smartbear.com"; // The URL of the page to testvar targetZooms = [1, 2, 1.5]; // Scales to test - 100%, 200%, 150%// Iterate through all the installed browsersfor (var i = 0; i < Browsers.Count; i++){browser = Browsers.Item(i)Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder("Test for page '" + URL + "' against " + browser.Description)) ;browser.Run();// Iterate through all the specified scalesfor (var k = 0; k < targetZooms.length; k++){targetZoom = targetZooms[k];Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder("Test for page '" + URL + "' with zoom " + targetZoom * 100 + "%")) ;var page = openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom);performTesting(page); // Open the page at the specified zoom levelLog.PopLogFolder();}Sys.Browser().Close();Log.PopLogFolder() } Test Case Id: A unique identifier assigned to every single condition in a test case. Functional test cases are what QA managers write in order to assign testing for functional requirements to others on the team. Description Page Object Model (POM) Use BDD Framework with Selenium Puts a website or app through the most common scenarios users will face when visiting for the first time. This test helps to validate that all the requirements that have been mentioned in the SRS documents have been fulfilled or not. Test cases are the basis on which you actually test the application and derive the final outcome if the application is production ready or you still need something to fix before it reaches the market. Select Submit test case. {var browser = page["parent"];var defaultView = page["contentDocument"]["defaultView"];return defaultView["devicePixelRatio"]; Zoom solutions elevate collaboration across vertical use cases. You can simulate user actions on web page elements regardless of the pages current zoom level. If incorrect values are entered, is the appropriate error message displayed? Verify the availability of Led Flash in the Camera. An open platform that allows developers to build Zoom apps and integrations. Get documentation on deploying, managing, and using the Zoom platform. This is a type of black box testing that can reveal if an app's interface works with the rest of the system and its users by identifying whether the functions that the software is expected to perform are a success or failure. For example, how does the app work in 2G internet conditions instead of 4G connections? A checklist comes in handy when your team has a time constraint. Automation is also still not suited for more creative and empathetic test approaches. Should you write test cases for login, registration, and password reset? To help the decision-making process, weve put together a few resources for you. What are the functional testing test cases and examples? bokstavsballonger shein. Engage customers with Zoom Contact Center, Deliver intelligent support with conversational AI. Configure test automation for your Bitbucket CI pipelines to automatically run your tests & report results to test management. Verify the Sensors (CMOS or CCD or any) available in the Camera. Both functional and non-functional tests must be executed with equal meticulous attention. Select the Format toolbar option 'Zoom In', the image should magnify in viewable size. Test cases and results in a test management tool (here: Testmo). By following best practices and learning from test case examples, you can improve your test case writing skills and become a more effective tester. Though he had tried his best to cover up all the test cases as per the functionality and WireFrame provided in the Business Requirement Specification, I found that cases written were not descriptive to be understood in one go. This test helps to gain approval for the release of the product. 2. The example below demonstrates how you can check whether the News link is available on the https://smartbear.com page at different zoom levels. What is Non-Functional Testing? Verify the availability of Dual Cameras on Mobile phones.

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test cases for zoom functionality

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