slatestarcodex autism

Ive only found one paper that takes this model completely seriously and begins speculating on the nature of the foundation. Is it possible to measure autism on some scale, rather than as a binary category? This confuses me a little. Of 11 types of psychiatric condition, only autism was associated with increased intelligence among relatives. I dont think there was much correlation at all with years of formal education, and the paths their lives and careers took are almost unimaginable now. If it is, that could explain some of these results. Couldnt this all be the result of several essentailly different things being lumped together under the label autism spectrum? As for genetics, well, my IQ is ~135, and my wifes is right there with me (~125). Ive met a couple AMAB people identifying as genderqueer, but at least an order of magnitude more AFAB ones. Im skeptical of the extreme male brain hypothesis for autism. paternal IQ/ autism seems pretty much decorrelated, which is strange given the 100% confidence that autism genes are IQ boosting. One just needs to consider a model where a brain is a complicated object whose organization and function depends on changes in the genetic blueprint in non-monotonic ways, and it is likely that all combinations (attainable via sexual reproduction) of genes that are beneficial alone or in some particular arrangements are not even more beneficial together; some of the potential arrangements are bound to be non-optimal or even catastrophic. I dont have time to go through all the links this morning but wanted to add some more studies. Several studies have shown a genetic link between autism and intelligence; genes that contribute to autism risk also contribute to high IQ. and they seem just as likely to have unplanned children as less intelligent people with equally bad impulse control. There simply haven't been any large, decent-quality studies showing that children in ABA show significant improvements over children not in ABA. Some of this effect is because autism is caused both by normal genes and by de novo mutations and environmental insults, and the de novo mutations and environmental insults definitely decrease intelligence. Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 12) badge! Ive certainly known highly intelligent people who did not seem to be crazy or disfunctional in any obvious way. Why on Earth one would assume that the effect of genes that contribute to IQ should be linearly additive and increasing to ad infinitum? They are being positively selected, ie increasing with every generation, presumably because people with the genes are having more children than people without them. Theres a range for this parameter, selection in the past has left most of the population too low, but if you push the parameter up too high things will break. Precision of it? 10 hours ago View Detailed Check-in. Even when adults with autism live outside the family, their families especially their mothers have extensive contact and involvement in their care. Let me write toy model, where intelligence Q is a function f of all heritable biological parameters that could possibly affect brain function (let us say, all possible variants of human genes in a DNA sequence of certain base pair length), denoted by g_1, , g_n. They find that even autistic people without de novo mutations have lower-than-average IQ. And that finds that only 15% have intellectual disabilities. MealSquares is a "nutritionally complete" food that contains a balanced diet worth of nutrients in a few tasty easily measurable units. I think an important possibility to consider is that some or all of the correlation were observing is simply due to bias in the data were using, rather than any actual relationship between high IQ and autism. the genetic load would be due to bad luck in parent mixing (recessive-recessive pairs) and parent age. Above a certain level of gain, the system _wants_ to break down. I think (as an interested amateur, not an expert) that the most plausible answer is that human intelligence depends on getting lots of stuff right. Like many DSM diagnoses it is a junkheap of often unrelated symptoms wrapped up in a single label for essentially politically reasons. So far, this is still 70% wish-casting to 30% reality-aligned. Most of these seem to be related to social ability. In Projections, and elsewhere, Deisseroth suggests that a major component of autism is as a bias or preference to information predictability, which anecdotally jives with what many people . We often joke that my son learned English as a second language, it appeared that his primary language acquisition pathway just wasnt there. For that matter, some amazing ingenuity went into ancient engineeringenough so that I think we still dont know exactly how the Incas built Machu Pichu or the Egyptians built the pyramids. Thus, any sample of fathers is likely to overestimate the average IQ of fathers on average because fathers are around to be measured (arent in jail, arent dead, didnt just take off) have higher average IQ than those who who arent around to be measured. (1) Genes associated with autism arent associated with IQ Wow! We have another child who shows no autistic traits. Theres one other possible source of systematic bias in the data: living and available parents, especially fathers. All this leads me to believe that people who are gifted and whos weirdness is more obvious are often misdiagnosed as having Asperger autism. Ive heard stories of autistic children sometimes regressing in development around 2 years old, e.g. (:D Sorry, couldnt resist the quip; please carry on.). I am not, but we both initially bonded over (I dont know a way to put this delicately or more exactly) being objectively very smart people that dont perform intelligence very well, albeit different ways. But its frankly unclear who it is talking about. Why do you think they arent sperging out about sportsball? Having charismatic superpowers isnt normal, and I suspect requires being sufficiently unconcerned with opinion sufficiently thing-oriented so as to cease to be normal. (1) genes that promote autism are correlated with IQ and 6. This has nothing to do with the OP, but I will definitely comment on your wrestling example, as a wrestler. And we know that theres differential infant mortality rates. children who previously had normal or even remarkable verbal abilities for their age suddenly losing words. But as mentioned before, autistic people themselves on average have lower intelligence. Perhaps the mechanisms for high IQ autism and low IQ autism are different. This gene developed in Africa, and can be seen as a fundamental reason for the transatlantic slave trade. While their exact numbers are doubtful, I think the overall finding that common familial genes are much more important than rare de novo mutations survives and is important. Well, there is a point, but it takes a long time to grasp it, at which point you are significantly behind people who went along with them without questioning them. Quite a few trans women seem to be extremely masculine in their interests. And rich people, on average, receive better medical care particularly rich white people. That should give us more geniuses, but not a shift in the distribution where now we get a Gauss/von Neumann/Newton/Kant/Einstein born in every town. For example: As the learning rate increases, a network becomes able to learn new information more quickly. Beeminder's an evidence-based willpower augmention tool that collects quantifiable data about your life, then helps you organize it into commitment mechanisms so you can keep resolutions. There was a Conversations With Tyler podcast with Michelle Dawson (link here including transcript) where this was discussed. Someone at the 99.0 percentile for intelligence would probably seem quite mediocre by SSC standards. As a result, they have unbalanced physiologies; their bone and cartilage may not be strong enough to support their frames, their hearts may be too large or too small for their bodies, their nasal passages may be truncated because their snouts are shorter than the rest of their genetic blueprint expects. And an article by John Elder Robison pointing out that most of our data on autistic people come from children and the extreme cases. Sample: literally the whole of scotland. My office mate is a big sports fan who cares a lot about his yard and house and is a fairly partisan Democratand whos also a mathematician who plays folk music and speaks several languages. Youre starting with the premise intelligence is incompatible with normality and then reflexively dismissing all evidence to the contrary with theyre not really normal, theyre just pretending. Which is 1.) The fact that nobody has noticed and studied an effect in a subgroup is evidence that the subgroup does not have a large effect. One other effect of this change in labelling, is that studies of autistics before and after the renaming cant be combined into any kind of meta-study, unless they are both much more detailed in their description of the grouyp they are measuring, and happen to target the same people. As a practical matter of course these disorder clusters can easily overlap and often do, as seen in the most recent DSM when they allowed co-diagnosis of autism and ADHD for the first time (by popular demand pretty much!). was too big to go through the birth canal! Kindof like we could genetically engineer all people to be tetrachromats. When I was in high school one of my coaches called them, air muscles. Its when a guy can bench 300, squat 500, etc and still get overpowered by a guy who does half that. The population mean for many of those parameters is off from the optimal value for thinking, perhaps because theres some tradeoff encoded there that doesnt matter as much now as in the past. I get to see what happens to those kids otherwise, they become adults who ace every math exam, but are unable to buy pants. Physically, people with autism might have certain brain structures or modes of neural connection that are associated with high intelligence, but without the surrounding neurological infrastructure necessary to support those structures/functions like the poor Great Dane whose heart is too small and bones are too weak for his frame. Each genes benefit is based on underlying assumptions about how the body works, and if you change enough of those assumptions, the entire edifice becomes a failure. It could be one of the categorization problems Scott was talking about in Against Against Autism Cures. If youre not low-functioning but dont have strong enough autistic traits to be clearly a high-functioning autistic, you dont have autism youre just a little weird? It seems that a process like this could conceptually produce an artificial bimodal distribution, even if the traits arent bimodally distributed. She has absolute pitch, an attribute that is quite rare in the general population, but she says an amazingly high proportion of her autistic students have it to some degree, even when they didnt know it. We just rarely see them because they dont hang out with us losers. When I was a music major in college it was the research interest of one of my professors and he put the students with perfect pitch through a couple of tests like this in class. no IQb + hgl: very low IQ, non-autistic mental disorders. Could there be some sort of input(s)/connection(s) in early development which is responsible for the development or unfolding of intelligence like that? Generally high end career civil servants and similar. Wheat something something something autism and schizophrenia. They may also have eccentric opinions or interests but theyre more likely to pursue them obsessively or compulsively without good reason, and they have trouble with self-awareness and awareness of others. For some parameters, exceeding the optimum can lead to strange and non-obvious errors. Agree with your post, and especially with this part. Theres probably not anyone working in math right now who is any smarter than Gauss was. FWIW, I know a few bona-fide genius-level people; on the order of Ph.D. Reading about this seems a little bit strange at first, but I must say, I teach in the mathematics department of a university, and I observe this everyday in my best students. The damn thing has basically come true! My current boss. The Flynn effect seems to be about raising the floor by building proper sewers and water supplies, eradicating parasites, vaccinating everyone against common childhood diseases, making sure nobody starves and also adding nutritional supplements to foods so brain development isnt stunted by deficiency diseases, eliminating heavy metals from the environment of small children, making sure everyone goes to school, etc. If relatives of autists are smarter, then that sounds to me like a regression towards the mean. My vague recollection on this is a large portion of population variance in IQ is additive (like 30 or 40%? There was definitely a sperg-normie dynamic on my last work team, all highly intelligent. Because they lacked the development of the auditory processing, it was very draining for them because it mostly came across as a large amount of noise. 3% confidence is far too large. What do you guys think of the recent research linking autism to gut bacteria? That would give me more than enough money to give the middle finger to all the ignorant normies in our politically correct society, with plenty left over to hire some bodyguards and build mechanical defense systems to insulate me from any of the outraged pearl-clutching idiots who decided to use physical violence against me when their threat of social sanctioning wasnt enough. IQb medium genetic load : high intelligence, autistic highly functional autist or autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined A reasonable guess there is that the smartest engineer on the pyramid project was not much dumber than the smartest engineer working on the Apollo projectthey came up with brilliant one-off solutions to their problems, which didnt stick around because there wasnt much use for them in day-to-day building problems. I.e. I never liked that. (Always Sunny parodied this phenomenon with Mac, who only works out his glamour muscles.). Because a masculinizing influence on the brain would militate against the development of brain structures telling the autistic person you are actually a girl.. The Charman et al study finds a correlation between autism and low IQ, by starting with a sample of autistic people and looking at their IQs. As long as I kept useful inventions flowing out of my lab, I think hed pay me well and insulate me from social criticism. Pretending that people with autism diagnoses are typical of people with autism is useful when trying to treat the symptoms of autism; but ignoring less symptomatic people results in ineffective studies when trying to figure out causes and effects. (Note that if autism is really one thing [not a complex syndrome], with high and normal functioning individuals, and high vs normal correlates with IQ, then if you only measure the normal autistics, youd get results like the above, due to sampling bias. Yes, of course. This is common-sensically true and matches previous research into all of these factors. To test this, you could see if higher IQ autistic people tend to have more or fewer of these genes correlated with high intelligence, compared to low IQ autistic people. The avoidance of eye contact. Thats probably how he got to that level. The optimal value is at 10.0 (for example). This could be constructed as autistic behavior, but I dont buy it. Wheat has been genetically modified recently in ways that make it much worse for you. Evidence suggests the null hypothesis. He is the most Civil Servicy person around. Theres a new paper out on how the frequency of variants that affect educational achievement (which also affect IQ) have been changing over time in Iceland. Could you elaborate? People diagnosed with autism are less intelligent than average (~100% confidence, leaving aside definitional complications), 3. I used to live in the DC area and still work with the civil service in my current job. Without the load, the child would have had a high IQ, but with weak fundation (genetic load) no. And also reproducing younger (banking frozen eggs and/or sperm early for the IVF). Or if (as really happens) it turns out that smart, ambitious people usually have their kids a decade later than dumb, unambitious people and usually the smart, ambitious people only have enough time in their fertility window for one kid while the dumb ones have time for three. Im tending towards a resolution-processing power version now, as I have considered it more, with high resolution being a burden if you dont have the processing power to deal with it, but my thoughts are incomplete. So by comparison, I could imagine that theres a bunch of gene variants that increase limb length, and that if you have a certain number of these you get some nice Usain Bolt proportions that help you win races. Plus the military is always interested in easy ways to enforce security and they arent too bothered by political correctness, so any automated defense units that I might hypothetically build could also be a profitable side-business for me. Like, if you have one copy of a particular high-IQ gene you get high IQ, but two copies of that gene is too much of a good thing and you get autism? That figure seems very low to me, though it depends what exactly you define as incredibly smart and incredibly charismatic. If we take incredibly to be synonymous with top percentile, there would be 75 million people in the world who are incredibly intelligent. However, I wouldnt be surprised if a statistically high proportion of people here are autistic or have autistic family members. So is she a non-serious case? Arizone State University Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50% two years after fecal transplant Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with a focus on technology and collaborative problem solving. Yeah, your reaction is what I was scrolling down here to say, but you beat me to it. The Vision Of Vilazodone And Vortioxetine. So, one can see how this would obviously lead to an increase in autoimmunity, but in one of the later chapters AEoA, Velazquez-Manoff also shows how autism (a least a lot of the time) is an inflammatory condition: for instance, autopsies uniformly showing neural inflammation, people with ASDs are more likely to develop autoimmune diseases than the general population and are more likely to have family members with autoimmune diseases, and for a few subjects treatment with immune-modulating intestinal worms providing some symptom relief even. But they offer a way of grouping types of problem kids that has caught on. At times she has been productively employed in a technological field. My personal bet would be that different sorts of mutations associated with autism could be slotted into abstract prior-mapping-affecting categories manifesting through tiny quirks of cellular chemistry, and some degree of interplay between them and those that affect general nervous tissue metabolism and anatomy might also be the case. A strong preference for routine. This is consistent with the existence of people in the past who seem to be about as bright as humans get. The ICD-11, which was adopted this year and will be implemented globally by 2022, instead calls it autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language. Proponents of the change hope to reduce stereotypes. High IQs appear to be selected for, as does ASD; while the the survival advantage of the first is obvious, the second is a really high cost to pay from a fitness standpoint, and Im skeptical that the IQ on its own would be worth it as a survival advantage. Slate Star Codex, which sprung up in 2013, helped her develop a "calibrated trust" in the medical system.

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