doby funeral home obituaries

Descansa en paz ngel de luz.. fuerza a toda tu familia.. dales fortaleza para seguir adelante.. bendiciones. Fly high little angel. I accompany you in feeling and your angel and rest in peace and will be the guiding light of your whole family Much love, peace and resignation for you , I didn't know drayke, but I know I would had loved too. Es tan triste, tan injusto, que un pequeo angelito haya tenido que sufrir tanto. Prayers and love to your family. S que su muerte ser un parte aguas, muy doloroso, pero en espera de que los valores morales regresen a los hogares. I am so very sorry to hear of dear Drayke. Oh God.. About Dolby, Blais & Segee - Gorham Chapel Address 76 State Street Gorham, ME 04038 Send Flowers Send sympathy flowers Website https://www.dolbyblaisseg Phone (207) 839-4270 This Ever Loved listing has not been claimed by an employee of the funeral home yet. May his legacy create change to stop bullying! The world was a better place because Drayke was in it. QUE DESCANSES EN PAZ, ests donde ests . para seguir adelante con este vaco tan grande. I am pretty sure you all might have find out by now, but I still wish you would have known in time that, in the end, it does not really matter, that they cannot break your essence and, ultimately, they simply fade away. No existen palabras de consuelo, como tampoco en mi vocabulario. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Sin conocerlos, los acompao con mi ms sentido psame y les envo mis carios y fortaleza, Que brille para l pequeo Drayke la luz que no tiene fin . Estoy en la carita de quien ha nacido. I am so extremely sorry for your loss. Que Dios les de fortaleza. Un abrazo a la distancia. Te quiero madre desde aqu, l est orgulloso de ti. he is now you guys angel in heaven watching over you all#DOITFORDRAYKE!! Fortaleza para su familia. I send you all my love and all my strength. LOVE. Ese ngel los iluminar desde donde est! Rip lil angel, I saw my 23 years old doughter crying. truly didn't deserve what he went through. My mission in Honor of your Son is to Be Kind and show the world kindness and make it spread like Drayke would want it to. 2023 Doby Funeral Home. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. Los abrazo con el alma, ojal puedan encontrar La Paz, He is a very cute sweet boy who did not deserve to make that decision since it was not his fault, he was just a child, I am sorry for my loss and count on me to fight against the damn bullying, My heart broke in two when I read this what a beautiful boy, God give you courage and strength to keep fighting, God bless you all xxxx. We would like to offer our sincere support to anyone coping with grief. I pray God will give you peace and strength. So sad. Ests en brazos de Dios, gozando de la vida eterna donde el mal no existe. Me deepest condolences for your lost. No es justo. I cried into the next day, for this family & for Drayke. God will give you the strength as a family during this difficult situation, Drayke is an angel, who is teaching this world, the cruelty of bullying, and without a doubt, makes us reflect as adults that we must change. Desde Colombia acompaamos la familia en su dolor, lamentamos profundamente este hecho de total rechazo que tuvo que pasar este angelito. I am very sorry for your loss, I hope you can find peace in your hearts through God. El ahora es un bello ngel que cuidara de sus pasos, que los seguir amando desde el cielo. Peace and Blessing to the Hardman family. She was called to her Heavenly home on February 12, 2022 in Mobile, Alabama following her battle with COVID. Hopefully your unfortunate departure serves to make everyone and everything aware that bullying is not a game, bullying doesn't make you cool, bullying is a CRIME. Funeral Service will be on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at Ambassador for Christ Worship Center at 1:00 PM. Es tan solo un nio Ser su ngel que los guiar y cuidara siempre, hasta que vuelvan a encontrarse. He came to be loved by his family, friends and acquaintances, but he also came to teach a lesson, RESPECT, respect others and be respected, that people, whether children or adults, be good and respect others!!!! Go see the world for him, and let everyone know what beauty truly is. . Quiero, por medio de estas lneas, hacerles llegar mis mas sinceras condolencias, ya que no imagino lo que estn pasando en estos momentos, y quisiera compartir con ustedes la esperanza que tengo en mi corazn de volver a ver a nuestros seres queridos que se han dormido en la muerte. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting y'all's precious boy but I can just tell from his smile that he was just a wonderful joy. I am sure that now he is resting in the arms of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, who will illuminate his soul and protect it forever, Since i first read your mama's post I haven't been able to stop thinking of you and your family. Hi Drayke's family , we are sending love and prayers for you from Argentina. Ma pesame a la familia de Drayke en este momemto de tanto dolor espero que el este en cielo haciendo lo que el mas gustaba de esta vida que era dar amor y cario un gran abrazo para ustedes y que DIOS les de el consuelo que nesecitan.desde CURICO, CHILE. God bless you and your family. The post i read about your son really had me at tears. We welcome you to provide condolences on the Tribute Wall at this time. Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias. Prayers for all of you. Hola, no s mucho de ingls, pero desde lo ms profundo de mi alma lamanto lo sucedido, he llorado e imaginado lo que el sinti y ustedes sienten en cada momento, no hay palabras que alivien el dolor sentido solo pedirle a Dios que sea su fortaleza y que reciba en sus brazos al nio rubio hermoso. Le pido a Dios que encuentren mucha paz y fortaleza para llevar la vida sin su pequeo. So sorry xx. Drayke, I hope your story save the life of other children and teenagers that suffer from this injustice. You unfortunately died too young. Every night I have asked God to give resignation to your loved ones, but more than anything, I have asked for your rest and that in Him you have the peace that your heart needed. May the memories of Drayke fill your hearts now and forever. Just know that this isn't your fault. What I can say is thank you. I hope you're watching over your loved ones, with the angels up above. I hope bullying disappears. The great battles that life gives are for the best warriors. I can't stop thinking about all of you , I send you all my strength and lots of love. His kindness will never be forgotten!! Although I never knew Drayke, his story has absolutely broken my heart. You're all kept in prayers, well wishes and tons of love and support through this difficult time from so many, near and far. Read Annie Smith's complete obituary here: Your little man was beyond special. But I lived to be a mom and grandma. I didn't know Drayke, but this story has really touched my heart. I cried.. Descanse em paz pequeno heri. To all. Please know that he touched the lives of so many far and wide.. Rest in peace sweet sweet boy, just know that even though we are strangers that you will always have a special place in my heart.. To the family thank you for sharing this forever heartbreaking life changing story with the world, I'm sending all the love and light to you both and to Draykes sister's, Heart felt condolences all the way from Ontario, Canada, Hola. My heart is broken, you were so young and lovely. Les envo muchas bendiciones y energa para que continen con ese legado, a pesar del momento terrible por el que estn pasando no desfallescan, mi corazn y el de mi familia estn con ustedes. May God hold you tight in His arms now and always. Internment will be held at the McAllister Family Cemetery in Raeford NC. BUT, most importantly, loving with a patient and kind heart. SOS un ngel de hermosos ojos azules que no olvidaremos! As a human being I am devastated to the depths of my being by the story of your little one ,and as an educator I join more strongly to the war against abuse within schools and to teach our children to be compassionate and kind.A big hug from Chile for you and your loved ones. My condolences to the family, friends and all the people who knew and loved this little angel. There isn't a day where I am thinking about you and your family. I am destroyed, your son is the son of all. Lo recordarn como el nio hermoso y feliz que alguna vez fue, no con lo ultimo. This is heartbreaking - I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Please know that your sweet baby boy Drayke is in heaven with Jesus, where he is suffering no more. God bless. Me enoja. Solo con ver en fotos a Drayke puedo ver el amor en sus ojos y en su corazn, su alma tan transparente y sana y aunque ya no est fsicamente en este plano terrenal su alma, su presencia y sus recuerdos seguirn latentes en todas las personas que lo conocieron y a todos los que conocimos su historia dejo una huella de amor imborrable, que har que cada da luchemos por un mundo sin odio. Estoy Dimensionando el dolor que estan pasando, nuestro corazon esta destrozado. My heart is with you all. La vida es tan hermosa y bella para que seamos felices y viviamos momentos hermosos. I heard the unfortunate news of his son and I am very moved, there are no words that can repair so much pain for what happened, a child like your son should be playing and enjoying life but he and God decided otherwise. Que diosito te tenga en su santa gloria eres solamente un angelito que apenas se estaba enseando volar abrazos asta al cielo papa , I'd like to personally pass my warmest aloha to you and your ohana. Solo podemos mandaros toda nuestra familia nuestro ms sincero amor. It only remains to thank God for having given them the opportunity to meet such a beautiful person. I hope your story is brought to light and puts a stop to bullying. Vuela alto muy alto pequeo Dejas un vaco muy grande y una leccin enormeQEPD. Sending love & prayers in this difficult time. Fly high with the angels . I'm in extreme lost of words.. there is nothing I can say or do to bring him back but I just wish that I would have known him because I have been through the same things and I still am. Un abrazo fuerte a la distancia. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. Hola les doy mi sincero pesa a su padres y Hermana nunca van estar solos el vas estar siempre con ustedes en el corazn, I have never once meet this boy but from what I have heard we have lost a beautiful soul but heaven has gained another angel. I recently lost my daughter to suicide ( Oct-06-2021). I am so sorry for your loss. Drayke, sweet boy I wish you could have stayed with us for a longer time you will be missed and are so loved. So terribly sorry! I'm so sorry your baby is no longer here. May your blue eyed baby Rest In Peace, may God guide you and be with you every step of the way. Oh, your beautiful boy! Tenemos que tomar conciencia esto no es broma. There are no words to mitigate this pain, but I know that above will be happy, shining with the stars. This notice broke my heart I sendus all my love and pray for your family.Love from Argentina . Fuerzas para su familia Mi corazn est contigo. May God help you in these tuff moment and allow you guys heal from this hurt. Les mando fuerza mental y espiritual Dear Family I can not imagine the pain you are feeling, but I can say I am very sorry and although we do not know each other, I am with you from the depths of my heart and soul, Drayke's blue eyes only reflected love and tenderness and that is what he left as a legacy, beautiful angel fly high and for you family, much light for you at this time, God bless you. He sounds like a truly amazing loveable little soul and does remind me of my two little boys. Sending all my love from me to your family. Sending all my love from Londin, England . Que en paz descanses pequeito. I am so sorry. Hoy con esta noticia record mis aos de niez y adolescencia en la escuela donde mis compaeros me hacan sentir inferior. Lo siento mucho se que no hay palabras que te consuele, Debemos nosotras como madre aprender a educar nuestros hijos. Aquellos que amamos nunca pueden estar ms lejos que a un pensamiento de distancia. You did not deserve any of the bullying and hate you received. Thus the oldest coats of arms generally do not include a motto. I really really sorry for your lost. Donde te encuentres descansa en Paz, que los que quedamos trataremos de hacer lo posible para que est mundo sea un poco mejor para los que vienen. I would have loved to listen to you and be able to hug you. I came across Draykes funeral service on utube . I can't describe the pain I feel in my heart. Will it bring back your son? Como madre se me encoge el corazn al pensar en el dolor que tenis que estar pasando en estos duros momentos. In all of the pictures I've seen of Drayke he radiated so much calmness and nobleness with his smile. May His presence soothe & sustain you through your grief journey! . You all take care . Sean fuertes por el. I hope this makes people realise to themselves that words really do hurt and so do peoples actions. Visitation will be held on Thursday December 8 2022 from 100 PM until 500 PM at Doby Funeral Home. No es justo a tu edad tener que tomar esas desiciones que son tan crueles pero fuistes un nio valiente solo descansa en paz y que ahora hayas encontrado la tranquilidad que mereces, disculpa por no este mundo lleno de gente cruel que no sabe el dao que ocasiona al otro. All of us are with you, from all over the world. Abrazo de corazon a tu mam, pap y hermanas en este momento tan duro que les toca vivir. It brings awareness and teaches us parents the importance of how important it is to speak with our kids and spread kindness. I talked to him about this and he teared up and said "he could have been my best friend""I hope to meet him in Heaven one day." Querido Drayke descansa en paz y disfruta de la felicidad al lado de Dios y la Virgen. To all the family, I was heartbroken to read your story. I am very sorry for your loss, I was also a victim of bullying and survived. I pray you finally feel peace. Drayke is in a beautiful place now, without bullying, without pain. Rest in peace and send strength to tour family to get ahead of this pain. Siendo lejana de este caso. My heart breaks for you and your family. Donde quieras que ests mira un segundito abajo y protege de ese gran dolor a tus padres y tus dos hermanas, no merecas partir as, tu tuviste que luchar contra ese agujero oscuro que no se poda salir. Love all the way from Canada Newfoundland, Que Dios fortalezca sus vidas, la vida de Drayke impact mi vida porque tambin viv el bullying cuando era Nio, fueron das oscuros y mucho miedo a ser yo mismo, a hablar pero hoy Tengo a Drayke conmigo desde el cielo cuidndome y recordndome que ayude a otros a alzar la voz! Keep each other safe! Les mando un abrazo desde Chile, Rest in peace Drayke I send you light and more light. I feel so much pain for you as a family. Estoy profundamente consternada por su partida tan temprana, que tristeza que este pequeo angelito lleno de amor y bondad haya partido tan pronto. Sending you all lots of love and strength at this time. A hug for you from Lima Peru. I send you all my love, light and tight hugs for all of you. May he rest in love . I am 82 years old and mother of 6, grandmother of. Descansa en paz Drayke . Rest in peace beautiful angel, your life will be remembered with so much love. Me ha conmovido mucho querido angelito espero de corazon que ests feliz y brillando nos enseaste mucho a todo el mundo y con en tan corta edad. Prayers during this unimaginable time. Con mucho amor y respeto.. My deepest condolences, may the strength of God fill the lives of each of your relatives!!! Lookin at draykes pictures you can that he had kinder heart. Another 158 words (11 lines of text) covering the years 1400, 1506 and 1525 are included under the topic Early Doby History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Nuestro ms sentido psame, no existen palabras para expresar nuestro sentir, mi familia y yo no podemos hacer ms que elevar una plegaria por el alma de su pequeo y por que ustedes, su familia vivan conmemorando a su hijo. Thanks for sharing your story with us To make aware that bulling is serious and can damage our children's and families . Lo siento mucho. Un beso al cielo para ti y un abrazo para tu familia. There are no words that could take the pain away. We send you all the strength, love and wisdom in the world in these hard times. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm so so so sorry for your loss, this shouldn't happen to anyone, I'm so so sorry, My deepest condolences to your entire family I am a mother and my children have been bullied in school and I wish the staff would take these situations a little more serious I've had to stand up for my children and make sure to stop the bullying because my biggest fear is for my child to believe everything they're told because of a child that has a trauma and needs help, I'm so heartbroken to hear that your son was bullied that caused such tragedy thank you for being strong and teaching people kindness is very important! My sincere condolences to the Hardman family and all lives touched by this sweet boy. Visitation will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Your family will be in my prayers. She is survived by : her children, Mike Frick (Pat) of Salisbury, NC and Susie Hardister (Brad) of Salisbury, NC; her grandchildren, Heather Jones (Keith), L. Nicole Hardister (Alex Williams) and Nathan Hardister; her great grandchildren, Justin Jones (Sarah), Brandon Jones (Celine), Connor Oddon and Avery Hardister; and her great great grandchildren, Hunter Jones, Easton Jones, Eli Jones and Ryder Jones. I deeply sorry for your lost. Sending love By Rosario Pachari from Peru, Siento mucho su perdida. All Rights Reserved. He was maybe too much for this world. My condolences, much love and support toDrayke'a family. My heart breaks for all of you. I'm so sorry for your pain it breaks my heart seeing the pictures of your sweet boy you and your family are in my prayers may GOD be always by your side and may your beautiful precious Boy RIP. Qu desgarradora situacin, imposible no llorar. No tengo recuerdos con su hijo para compartir con ustedes pero si tengo para compartir por el resto de mi vida su tierna mirada, esa mirada azul que formar parte de cada padre en el mundo por el esto de nuestras vidas.. lamento tanto que hoy tengan el corazn destrozado lo lamento muchsimo. Your son was a gift. Lamento profundamente su perdida y ruego a Dios d consuelo a la familia. Pequeo angelito. As a mother, I will fight so that no child suffers the way they have suffered. I hope you find comfort somehow and knowing that his life meant so much, I wish this grieve would never touch any other family ever. Les enviamos un abrazo fuerte cargado de tranquilidad y paz Dios envi por ese prncipe por que necesitaba de l en l cieloahora los nios del cielodisfrutan su compaa Mis mas sentidas condolencias, soy de Medelln, Colombia y estoy realmente conmocionada con la muerte del pequeo Drayke, el es un angelito en el cielo. I was heartbroken when I read the story about your handsome young man. Se que el amor trasciende y crece con todos los das, as estar l estar al otro lado del camino! Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. I have hugged my kids all day after reading about Drayke. Sending love and healing prayers to Drakyes family. As you all said, he came here to teach us My condolences to all of you, lovely family, Mis condolencias a la familia es una pena que pasen estas cosas a diario:(, no + bullyng, me dio tanta pena ver lo que le paso al pequeo, y en sus fotitos se vea tan lleno de vida:(, mis ms sentidos psame, fuerza para su familia. You unfortunately ran into some cruel evil people who didn't know what love is! This story broke my heart. Make me happy to know that you're now in heaven with the angels! Te envo un gran abrazo. She was predeceased by : her father Willie Doby; and her husband T. E. "Frog" Frick. I'm sorry that a mama had to bury her baby. Rest in peace beautiful boy, may you only know peace and happiness xxxxxxx, Mi sentido pesame, espero que puedan seguir siendo fuertes y firmes por la memoria de su hijo. Twinkle as the brightest star in the sky to your sisters, send your mom and dad warm feeling that you are near. My condolences . I hope things settle and bullying stops. It is a very unfair world. Mi ms sentido psame, Dios les de sabidura y la paz en sus corazones. I'm so sorry again. sending love to your family! your son looked and sounded like such a sweet person. I do not know yous we have never spoken but I have saw about your beautiful boy Drayke and my heart as a mum of a boy taken too soon breaks for you all. estamos viviendo un tiempo muy difcil, y parece tan injusto que la muerte tenga el poder de arrebatarnos a un ser querido!!! I'm so very sorry for your loss. This little human should be remembered by all of us and show that bullying is inhumane! I am so sorry. My heart and thoughts are with you and Drayke. Dios te bendiga Drake!! You will heal, just know that he is with you <3 always. Upcoming services provided by Doby Funeral Home. I am so sorry for the loss of your little angel. It's not that hard to be kind people! Please know that by sharing your story you are helping educate children everywhere about bullying. Desgraciadamente los conoc en redes sociales por este trgico suceso. Drayke you have left us to find out true selves. FUNERAL HOME. His story has reached so many people. God be with you in this difficult time. Spread your wings and fly you kinder soul. Since I have read the story of your beautiful little boy Drayke it really hit me and broke my heart to see how Drakye was suffering in silence. De solo verte inspiras amor y mucha paz. Drayke was such a handsome young boy with the most beautiful blue eyes and a smile that shines bright. Annie Smith departed this life on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. Que dios te de paz eterna. no puedo imaginar el dolor por el que atraviesan , es devastador . My son died of SUDEP and for us we are absolutely broken and will never ever be ok again. rayke en este momemto de tanto dolor espero que el este en cielo haciendo lo que el mas gustaba de esta vida que era dar amor y cario un gran abrazo para ustedes y que DIOS les de el consuelo que nesecitan.desde CURICO, CHILE. Porque tienen que pasar estas cosas, Mis condolencias a la familia del pequeo. May God wrap his healing arms around you all at this difficult time. Tristeza infinita al leer sobre esta noticia, cmo mam de un adolescente de 14 aos, me aterra pensar que algo as podra sucederle! May The Most High God send the Comforter to comfort, heal and guide you and your family. May the Lord bless you and keep you. I have no words that could help ease the pain. :). Mucho nimo desde Espaa, ojal este caso valga para que este mundo de mierda abra los ojos y que no sea en vano, que hay mucha maldad, pero almas inocentes como la de tu hijo, y otros muchos, no tendran porqu pagarlo.

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