Remember Speakers’ Corner? Our Video Booth Feature Turns our Photo Booth Services into a Video Tes …
Remember the show Speakers’ Corner? That’s a blast from the past, isn’t it?! The show was huge in the 90s but ran right up until 2008. If you don’t remember, here’s the gist. Photo Booth services across Toronto (and, later, other parts of Canada) were set up with cameras and recording equipment and were open to anyone who had something to say. Random people walking down the street could just pop in and rant about whatever they wanted or record important messages that they wanted to share with the public.
The show may have retired, but with our Video Booth Feature, you can create your own mini version of Speakers’ Corner! Let your party attendees record special messages for the event’s honoured guest.
Record a Video Message to the Guest of Honour
This is an excellent photo booth idea for parties that would traditionally have a guest book. That includes weddings, birthday parties, going away parties, and much more!
Speeches at weddings are great, but sometimes they can drag on, especially when multiple people have 10-minute speeches prepared. As nice as the speeches may be, at some point your guests just want to get back to eating and dancing and being merry. With our photo booth services, you’d be eliminating this seemingly unavoidable lull. Keep the energy up! Give your guests the option to record a more personal message for the bride and groom with our video booth.
Our video booth is also great to have at your child’s first birthday. We all know that first birthdays are never really for the kid; they’re for the parents. A one-year-old isn’t going to remember the party, but with a video booth, your guests can record a personal message for the young one to watch when they get older. This is a beautiful gift and more personal than a card. You can even make a game out of it! One video booth idea is to have each guest record one piece of life advice for the youngster. Priceless.
Heart-warming and Memorable Tributes
Parties are supposed to be celebrations of joy, but sometimes the undertones may be a little somber. Going away parties are always bitter sweet. While you’re celebrating a person’s journey to a new chapter in their lives, you’re also saying goodbye. There isn’t a better going away gift than video testimonials left by all of your closest friends.
The possibilities that our Video Booth Feature presents are endless. Use our video booth to record all of your video testimonials for parties, corporate events, or even social experiments! Who knows? We may even be the ones to bring back Speakers’ Corner!
To find out more about our video booth feature or to book a video or photo booth services for your next event, give us a call at 647-654-PBTO (7286) or send us an email at